
Little Babes Early Learning seeks to reduce its environmental impact by improving the sustainability of our early learning centre.


To achieve this, we are working on:

  • Reducing our consumption of scarce environmental resources (e.g. water, trees)
  • Reducing our consumption of resources that have an adverse impact on the environment (e.g. electricity, paper, chemicals)
  • Reducing the waste we generate (e.g. recycling, re-usage)
  • Renovating our outdoor play areas to provide more natural settings and natural play materials


In addition to improving the sustainability of our service, we are also seeking to help shape the environment of tomorrow by:

  • Educating and inspiring our children about the wonders of the environment and the importance of growing up with a focus on sustainable practices
  • Influencing our staff and families to be more sustainable in their home lives
  • Partnering with our staff and families to do positive things for the environment, such as tree planting initiatives.