Communication with Families

Our educators partner with parents and carers to provide the best opportunities and outcomes for a child’s education and care.

We recognise the importance of connecting and sharing information with each family to identify individual needs, set goals, receive feedback … and to let you know just how your child’s day has been.


From formal family-educator meetings to informal daily chats, we endeavour to keep families fully informed of their child’s progress and to establish open lines of communication. Our educators maintain a portfolio for each child including photos, work samples along with daily journals and developmental observations. By providing access to a record of the day’s events and activities through photos and comments for families to share together. Families and carers can feel assured that their child has felt safe, happy and loved while participating in a variety of learning experiences.


Newsletters, e-mail updates, notice boards and centre websites also help to keep families and carers up-to-date about all the news, activities, events and other relevant information about their centre.